Publications & Resources


We invite you to explore publications and resources produced by CASJE. If you are interested in discussing the research with your colleagues, you can access the CASJE Thinking with Research Discussion Guide.

If you are a researcher and would like access to CASJE data sets or instruments please contact us at [email protected].

Resource Type

Leadership in Context: At A Glance, Jewish Educational Leaders in Day Schools Study

Explore findings from CASJE's study that offers valuable insights about effective Jewish... screenshot of the top of the Leadership in Context infographic

Hebrew Language Education: Literature Review - Implications of Heritage Language Research for Hebrew Teaching and Learning

Explores recent research in heritage, second, and foreign language learning as it relates to the... screenshot of  cover of document: "HEBREW LANGUAGE EDUCATION LITERATURE REVIEWS: Implications of Heritage Language Research for Hebrew Teaching and Learning"

Hebrew Language Education: Literature Review - Contributions of Second/Foreign Language Learning Scholarship to Identity Development and Hebrew Education

This literature review explores the contributions of second/foreign language learning as it relates... screenshot of  cover of document: "HEBREW LANGUAGE EDUCATION LITERATURE REVIEWS: Contributions of Second/Foreign Language Learning Scholarship to Identity Development and Hebrew Education"

Connection, Not Proficiency: Survey of Hebrew at North American Jewish Summer Camps

Explore data related to the many ways, to what degree, and the reasons why Hebrew is incorporated... screenshot of report cover: image of children holding a colorful poster at camp | Connection, Not Proficiency: Survey of Hebrew at North American Jewish Summer Camps

Research Questions That Can Improve the Teaching and Learning of Hebrew

The proposed research questions form the basis for a research program and potential outcomes for... screenshot of top page of document

Jewish Summer Camp: Questions from Convenings and Conversations

The conversations/questions outlined suggest programs of research with potential to improve the...

Global Jewish Peoplehood Education: Questions from Convenings and Conversations

This research program outline would enable Jewish educational policymakers and professionals to... Screenshot of top of first page of Research Questions Surfaced through CASJE Convenings and Conversations document

CASJE Highlighted in NRJE Newsletter: CASJE’s Jewish Educational Leadership Research Initiative

The Network for Research in Jewish Education (NRJE) highlighted the overview of CASJE's new Jewish...

Thinking Differently About Hebrew: A Resource for Practitioners

Review extracts from the "Teaching and Learning Hebrew: Let’s Talk about It" blogcast conversation... screenshot of handout titled "thinking differently about Hebrew"

Hebrew Language Education: Questions from Convenings and Conversations

This document provides a summary of activity to date and presents a number of questions that can...

CASJE Highlighted in NRJE Newsletter: The Case for CASJE

Michael Feuer and Paul Goren share their personal stories as to why they jumped at the opportunity...

Sustainability Research Brief

This portfolio of 6 research briefs, each one examining one question in depth, serves as a guide to...